Making Dante's Dream come true.

28 Jul 2012

Tea stained/dyed stockings.

I've been doing "minor" work lately. I'm looking for stockings these days, and as much as I love the American Duchess ones she's about to release, there isn't any colour that really fits the 18th century outfits I'm working on. I'm thinking about buying the white ones and try to dye them as they're almost all silk material and a very low percentage of synthetic stuff; it may work but I haven't made up my mind yet.


I bought these here in a local shop. But, as always, they're far too bright white. Even more than you see here in the pic. So I gave a go at tea stain them. Like this:

Aaaand ta-da!

I'm very pleased with the result, and again, the white ones are far more white, and the dyed ones are just a bit golden. These are stockings worn in Majorcan traditional costumes, and girls dance in them, I think that's why they have that "historical" seam in the ankle. Also, this stockings were just 75% cotton and the rest was synthetic so maybe the AD ones will come out this nicely too.

I used black tea and I have another tea that makes the water pink sooo.. I might do more experiments soon :P


  1. Son bien majos esos calcetines, parecidos a los que se usan (si no iguales) para vestirse de fallera. Con el tinte le dan un aspecto mas añejo, me gusta el resultado. Yo probé a timtar también con té (el encaje de la blusa eduardiana) y el tono que deja me encanta.

    1. Puede que sean parecidos, aquí se usan para vestirse de payesa, el traje tradicional que suele llevarse sobretodo para el ball de bot (el baile típico de aquí). Pero es posible que se usen los mismos :) Es que eran blanco muy sintético xD no me gustaban! Tengo que comprarme otros que los quiero rosas :P

  2. Hi great rreading your blog
