Making Dante's Dream come true.

6 Nov 2012

A bit on everything.

 So... the Lizzie costume is practically finished, the purple ball gown is on its way too:

I just needed to see how it looked like with the hoop skirt, petticoat and everything! But of course when I get to wear it, I'm going for the "Lizzie look".

This is barely tacked and needs some urgent ironing too, but it's starting to look as a proper dress.

And then, some days ago, my mum came home with this fabric! Apparently she'd heard I'd love a tartan crinoline dress. She found this super cheap cotton fabric and got it for me but I wasn't very sure about the colour...

So we dyed it! :)

My hands are blue now but I'm quite content with the result. I can't wait to start with this project, as if I hadn't millions of dresses to make!

Again, sorry for the horrible pics but my brother has to take them cause I really can't take the pics myself while wearing the huge hoop skirt.


  1. Vaya, había visto antes la entrada nueva que ésta. Parece mentira que la tela azul venga de la marrón. ¡Creí que era azul!

    Sobre el traje de Lizzie, como te dije, me gusta mucho, pero ¿irá sin jaula, verdad?

    1. En marrón me pareció algo sosa :) Menos mal que quedó bien. Sí, sí, el vestido de Lizzie es sin jaula, solo quise probar como quedaba y dejar margen de dobladillo suficiente por si algún día quiero ir de viuda :P
